Nelson D Reyes

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa and Rudolph

Ho! Ho! Ho!
        Santa and Rudolph
Chipmunks are out singing
Bulging cheeks not misbehaving
Squirrels in snow been hiding running
Under the needle trees digging
Sitting tight the reindeers are waiting
Santa’s long list hasn’t been checked twice... ahh
Humming holiday joy Mrs Santa waltzing
Busy in the kitchen making pfeffernusse
Kids of all ages been out sleighing
Snow up to ears walk up the village hills
Carrot nose scarecrow snowmen smiling
As the kids whizzed wide eyes thrills
Season of joy this Christmas Time
Angelic songs triumphant once more
Upon the pearly white snowscape clime
Into the tropics palm lands and shore
Red orange yellow birds winter together
Green blue indigo as well and violet ones
Raccoons coyotes foxes and bunnies gather
Bull frogs on turtle backs high noted joyous songs
Cats mountain lions ants and anteaters
Hunters and hunted lions and lambs
Aglow under the sky a cacophony carolers
Blended hymns of joy of peace and love
Santa’s long list now been checked twice
Snow flaked reindeers huddled yet loose
Mrs Santa’s cookies been sugared and spiced
Behold! at the snow frosted window a Red Nose!
Chipmunks and squirrels
Rainbow of birds
The angelic carolers
All the village geared
Line up a snow covered lane
As Santa and the reindeers
Now with Rudolph up front... begin
A journey to spread Christmas Cheers!
©NDR 305am11. 6.16
Photo: ndr Herndon, VA house
Video: Chuck Berry VEVO YouTube’s
Run Rudolph Run, under 3 minutes

Christmas trimming the needle tree outside our side entry door and thought about
a fun chipmunk/red nose poem.'s a ho!ho!ho!

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