none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
The departed gather at the judgment gates chanting we are the true believers
when I hear her rebel yell she’ll say jump and I jump like hell
Savage Love **** Your deviant lips are bittersweet the taste
You’re the essence in love the poem in my heart
There’s no need to take cover the morning light cast no shadows on love
Whispers Intimate whispers sighs from within are
Traces of distrust from tainted thoughts search for answers
No one cares as the rose peddle falls no one can see the silhouette
As I read my diary I reminisce of your kisses so sweet
*** Remains of love in memories past a rainbow of black in shadows cast
The falling ambers of love still smolder with hope that time
Bedroom whispers hungers and moans the beauty of your flesh
Mortality had whispered to my love feelings of life forever gone