none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
Wanting you from afar with rhymes of passion I dare not speak my feelings
In Dreams *** Let me sleep a little longer
I only want you underneath the Christmas tree completely unwrapped
There are millions of colors in the spectrum but none can color you
the tale of lost feelings that once held dreams holds none
darkness holds the wraith that waits for me where
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
As I read my diary I reminisce of your kisses so sweet
How do you forgive betrayal when only a fool
The times we’ve swayed as one I’ve cherished every moment
we waltz in visions under the stars and share
Imprisoned by a yeaning lust of addiction the hot pipe burns
Mortality had whispered to my love feelings of life forever gone
Feelings mislead the fallacies of love virtue cries for something