I fell for a vision in a dream it was more stunning
Is it the horsy ride that makes you giggle in dreams or the flying spoon open the hatch
Grasping my pillow in my sleep a dark voice from within whispers to me
none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
Feelings concealed behind a disguise falling from love those sweet
Imprisoned by a yeaning lust of addiction the hot pipe burns
Physical misery torments me impaired for life my body is weak my lips tremble
*** Spasms lifts her body with eyes closed the Doctor explains
at the end of the rainbow make-believe is real and true love
Our vows were never broken nor the memories
I feel your magic in dreams and see stardust
We worship our religious beliefs indoctrinated from birth to believe
You **** The evening light traces the silhouette
So wonderful are dreams when dreaming of you your
The weeping souls of eternity can be heard bellowing