
I Do Not Understand

I do not understand this feeling I have
This feeling that always wants to be near you
I do not understand this feeling I have
This feeling that is always wanting you
I do not understand why I cant get you out of my mind
I do not understand why I want you so bad
This feeling I have is driving me mad
I do not understand why I miss you
I do not now understand this need to kiss you
This feeling inside that wants to be by your side
I do not understand why I care so much
I don not understand any of it
but I do have this hunch
I believe this feeling  I have is love
But how could it be?
I have never loved
I do not understand why my heart choose you
You came pouring into my life like the rain pours from the sky
This feeling I have inside
The constant butterflies
I do not understand this need I have
I do not understand why I can not tell you how I feel
I do not understand why I feel safe when you are near
This feeling I have does not go away
No matter how hard I try it is determined to stay
I do not understand, when you do not talk to me I become sad
I do not understand why I always want to hear your voice
This feeling that wants to hear you say my name
I do not understand why I want you so bad
I do not understand this feeling I have
This feeling of constant sadness because you are not around
I do not understand why you make me feel this way
I do not understand why I wanted you to stay
I do not understand why you are in my dreams
I do not understand this constant wishing
that you were with me
It can not be love what I am feeling
This feeling I have it has to go away
I do not understand why I want it to stay.

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