What was I in my past lives the air is trying to tell me who I… but the echo in the streets preven… I walk barefoot on the sidewalk hearing a car horn speeding
Every friend I have known says the same things about me. “I’ve never heard him raise his voice, ever.” All the way up into high school any kid who wanted to pick a fight found me. I cam...
It wraps around me Like a cold blanket Suffocating me I cannot break free No matter how hard I try
Hurting Hurting Hurting So deep inside Breaking
Desperately hanging on the edge of… I listen to the lingering whispers Her voice so sedate and soothing Her hands so warm Her body inviting
I must not slay your dragons, It is not the right thing to do, I must not fight your demons, Because they only come for you, I will not take away the nightmare…
He visto la paz, he visto el dolor descansando en los hombros de nues… ¿Ves la verdad a traves de todas l… ¿Ves el mundo a través de ojos ape… Y si quieres hablar de esto otra v…
What is poetry? To me it is life’s meaning with words. Perhaps somewhere in there is the definition of my heart shutting down poetry. See... Poetry is like a burning candle. While there...
A lure of curves She lies Like a silken ribbon Limbs branch open wet Hard wood
I wish I could hold you. I wish I could let you cry it all… I wish... But I can’t. I can’t make it all better.
Daily she takes over my thoughts a beautiful rebellious image her silhouette in motion . Or her eyes hazel, they have hypnotized me
While gazing out life’s window Love’s melancholic sadness Suddenly surrounds me Tries to drown me In an ocean of confusion
Hear God’s call, see the doors open wide, feel the power of the voices, reaching a crescendo, overpowering your senses,
His voice makes all the difference All it takes is a single word From his lips the word does fall In my heart it is heard His voice soothes me
You touched me... I pulled you into my arms and You were safe. I caressed your face and I felt love all the way to my toes. I looked at you in wonder and you kissed me. You tasted like ...