Unrestrained Never Confined

Poem: Driving forever

The Road

Small devils, demons, angels soulless sprite
Inhabit nether worlds avoid the light
Today they weave their webs in cyberspace
Vicarious they are another race
We worked and played in stark reality
The gritty world was stability
The narrow kiss of death’s a knife blade thin
Honed well the blade for firearms are a sin
In a metro underbelly alley dark
Where evil’s touch and Satan’s sinners park
So gentle reader tell me if you know
Of socks loose-fitting in this realm below?
The soulless demons and the angels nice
Now cast they lots, in turn to toss the dice
Coincidence is just an empty word
Transcend reality with warlock’s shard
In towers ivory the scholar works
Below are bikers, gypsies, thieves, and Turks
So Marco, scholar tell us what you know
We’re anxious now your wisdom to bestow
From ancient text myopic eyes appear
“Sir scholar take you care, you’ve much to fear!”
“See how the function tells a set’s content”
“And its derivative the edge distend?”
“One formula is four-third pi r-cubed”
“From transcendental magic this ensued”
“The boundary is finer than a hair”
“Note well the area is four pi-square”
“Again the circle’s content is well-known”
“And two-pi measures round about its own”
“But Marco now the magic hidden oh-so well”
“Dare I reveal? To risk transport to hell?”
Oh tell us Marco, what is this bold thought?
Unless revealed it offers no one naught
“Take sphere and see its area to be”
“Derive the formula and dare to see”
We see a number void of measurement
The surface has no edge of its content
“Are you a fool? Consider slicing skin”
“Then back around and sew the outside in”
“Four times transverse the equator you must”
“Then see geometry 'In God We Trust’”
“Depart from me! You claim the world is flat”
“And superstitions even more than that!”
“You asked the secret of creation’s code”
“Now you are doubting—-get away you toad”
The devils laughed as angels shed their tears
Again the truth was swept away with fears
The trucker down below the road truck
Has seen a girl whom he seeks to pluck.
He has a kitchen knife hate to appease
More agile than a panther traps its prey
He moves her to a corner in a way
There is no doubt that he will slay this chick
He needs a kill to sate his hatred sick
And prove his manhood to the evil clique
That worship death and suffering antic
The devil rolls a six and makes a frown
That is his point he rolls again and down
Comes lucky seven and with newbie’s luck
Behind the driver pulls a garbage truck
The trucker is a man,
He eyes the good man holding rake in hand
The devil’s pitchfork bares it ugly fangs
It picks up garbage crushing metal bangs
The good man hides his blade and looks away
From loose socks comes a razor into play
And in her left hand comes a trucker’s chain
That is no toy but quick to suffer pain
This thug saw that this was not his day
He turned about, a lackey he would stay
She smiled that shy smile serendipity
Her heart was pounding hard in victory
To thug the magic razor’s shock
He reconsidered taking once more stock
The garbage man banged boots against the cans
This punk knew well to fear the trucker’s man’s


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