Mary Darby Robinson

Sonnet—The Peasant

WIDE o’er the barren plain the bleak wind flies,
Sweeps the high mountain’s top, and with its breath
Swells the curl’d river o’er the plain beneath,
Where many a clay-built hut in ruin lies.
The hardy PEASANT in his little cot,
Lights his small fire, his homely meal prepares;
No pamper’d luxury, no splendid cares
Invade the comforts of his humble lot.
Born to endure, he labours thro’ the day,
And when the midnight storm o’er spreads the skies,
On a clean pallet peacefully he lies,
And sweetly sleeps the lonely hours away;
Till at the peep of dawn he wakes to find,
HEALTH in his veins, and RAPTURE IN HIS MIND.
Other works by Mary Darby Robinson...
