Mary Darby Robinson

Sonnet XLIII: While From the Dizzy Precipice

While from the dizzy precipice I gaze,
The world receding from my pensive eyes,
High o’er my head the tyrant eagle flies,
Cloth’d in the sinking sun’s transcendent blaze!
The meek-ey’d moon, 'midst clouds of amber plays
As o’er the purpling plains of light she hies,
Till the last stream of living lustre dies,
And the cool concave owns her temper’d rays!
So shall this glowing, palpitating soul,
Welcome returning Reason’s placid beam,
While o’er my breast the waves Lethean roll,
To calm rebellious Fancy’s fev’rish dream;
Then shall my Lyre disdain love’s dread control,
And loftier passions, prompt the loftier theme!
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