I am a chamelon lived experienced so much
Sometimes we have to fall so that we can
I’m all about the kill chase them hard when they’re
I want you Just like a drug Feed me I need more Insatiable appetite
What’s Real Are You Real
Slipping into a safety net of a lovers arms once again bring fear am I ready to step
No satisfaction never solace in the midnight air walking I’ve lost
Theory: Everything must be comple… Hypothesis: Everything must make… Conclusion: We are tiny circles… Truth: There are no sides to a ci… “We are tiny circles searching for…
I do terrible with silence can’t stand it makes me want to scream
Buttercups sparkle with dewdrops in the morning
Little lizard lisps I watch the tip of your tongue I want to feel your tongue slightly peak from your lips as you speak to me
Who would have thought? I would have never this is where we’d be Everyone & everything happen to us for
I am a girl... I’m going to be weak I’m going to have emotion I’m real I don’t pretend
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
I search for the everlasting circle the diamond on my ring the prize