Seeds of hope I hear those words on late night TV
I really am happy I know what I want & where I want to go Never have I thought that before,,,
Love me for me for what you see in my eyes for who I am, for what I know and for what I don’t know accept me as I am
All prolific’s aside one beautiful paradox to another, don’t you know how wonderful you feel wrapped
Sometimes we search for more answers when really it might not even matter the answer is–
Your diluting how I feel All these questions all this applied distance
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
Why is it I even question these t… something about you and I intend t… it’s easier when we sabotage then the only feeling is pain & hu… no waiting unexpectedly having it…
I search for the everlasting circle the diamond on my ring the prize
No satisfaction never solace in the midnight air walking I’ve lost
Little lizard lisps I watch the tip of your tongue I want to feel your tongue slightly peak from your lips as you speak to me
Crazy voices seap through the walls telling me what I don’t care to hear nevermind,
I starred into the black fiery depths of hell the flame was glowing from behind their walls and the smoke rose from above
I do terrible with silence can’t stand it makes me want to scream
I was worried about him Whether or not