The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth
I’ve died A thousand Times already
Even though I know I probably won’t Be able To read That... tomorrow...
What’s Real Are You Real
And the river gates flooded open like a damn that had finally been let down I was down open, could I be touched
Thinking of you is always part of my day Wishing you were here there is so much I want to say
I don’t need for much sometimes more isn’t
Heat, hate flowed over Like a fever I felt it in waves Like that of the ocean The tears dripped
It was child innocence filtering through the eyes were like faucets of the past the words were like
When I asked him If he could or would ever love, substance he replied I don’t know
I am finally free Of my cage Open to the world Ready to set sail No excuses
There is energy from some place like the desert
I felt the hands of heaven Reached down and Put you into my arms I felt like that is where You are supposed to stay
I am a chamelon lived experienced so much
The darkness creeps inside me like tiny ripples in the sea slowly