Sometimes we search for more answers when really it might not even matter the answer is–
I had hit rock bottom complete emptiness then - that’s when I felt it welling up from inside me & from all around me
I am a girl... I’m going to be weak I’m going to have emotion I’m real I don’t pretend
* You can’t change the past, you c… * If we can only experience the fu… * If we live moment to moment, sho… * If we only look ahead, do we mis… * If we can only live in the prese…
Just before it strikes a new day, lesser than the 3rd day... I have the gift of insight and I… I get to see things that other peo… .maybe that’s enough,
The bottle(s) told me the story I’m gonna save you the time
You know realizing that I’m so beyond or maybe that I think I am beyond is the problem... I don’t really know, because I’m living it, so relax... I’m going to figure it out... I hope......
I’m free call me what you want but
You’ve changed me I’m still not sure is it just my mind that’s taken over controlling me
Do you Want to Drive My teeth? 4 wheels
I see you I want you, to know to follow me, to follow
What we can’t have... Addiction... Self Control... Games... Choice...
I am a chamelon lived experienced so much
Not sure why it is the way it is at the moment The first time I saw him he wears a red bandanna
Not a Monet... Can’t repeat never the same scene nigh will