The sand felt like ice cream On my naked toes The water splashed My brown legs With vicious, furious force
She tried to climb out slow but her love for a man was quickening her journey the little man with the purple gui… was playing her song
Have I ever told you sincerely even just
Who would have thought? I would have never this is where we’d be Everyone & everything happen to us for
No satisfaction never solace in the midnight air walking I’ve lost
You came To save me White light Flowed from inside I felt safe
The funny thing is I used to believe The problem Lied inside myself Like maybe
Crazy voices seap through the walls telling me what I don’t care to hear nevermind,
The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth
The bottle(s) told me the story I’m gonna save you the time
I need to sleep I need your bed My bed? Hurts my back Wrenching pain?
I don’t need for much sometimes more isn’t
Nothing quite brings me back to you like remembering that you’re there this is all
How many are not worthy of the beauty disposable beings some lifeless soul drives by me
I watch you Do you see me Following with my eyes Handsome, tall With a vampires grin