No satisfaction never solace in the midnight air walking I’ve lost
Once upon a time... A stupid girl was stuck letting the past creep into the
She tried to climb out slow but her love for a man was quickening her journey the little man with the purple gui… was playing her song
The funny thing is I used to believe The problem Lied inside myself Like maybe
Running and playing like children I’m only free with liquor flowing through the city streets Where are you going? Where ever I take you,
Slipping into a safety net of a lovers arms once again bring fear am I ready to step
There are some things that even fate can’t fight
Never thought I could feel this what you do to me what you’ve done to me Turned my world upside down
Riding fast she paid no attention broken mirrors it wasn’t there it was in the half left shield she noticed, it was her, it was her face, deep lines
I go to places others won’t
Who are you? Why now, are you haunting me? I read my horoscope today for guidance or some knowledge
I’m all about the kill chase them hard when they’re
You want to see me I know you do better do something
Pure light sprayed upon them like heaven skies “Are you an Angel?” hold onto me and I will show you the world
I am a girl... I’m going to be weak I’m going to have emotion I’m real I don’t pretend