Madison Cawein

On The Road

LET us bid the world good-by,
Now while sun and cloud’s above us,
While we’ve nothing to deny,
Nothing but our selves to love us:
Let us fancy, I and you,
All the dreams we dreamed came true.
We have gone but half the road,
Rugged road of root and bowlder;
Made the best of Life’s dark load,
Cares, that helped us to grow older:
We, my dear, have done our best—
Let us stop awhile and rest.
Let us, by this halfway stile,
Put away the world’s desire,
And sit down, a little while,
With our hearts, and light a fire:
Sing the songs that once we sung
In the days when we were young.
Haply they will bring again,
From the Lands of Song and Story,
To our sides the elfin train
Of the dreams we dreamed of glory,
That are one now with the crew
Of the deeds we did not do.
Here upon the road of Life
Let us rest us; take our pleasure:
Free from care and safe from strife,
Count again our only treasure—
Love, that helped us on our way,
Our companion night and day.
Autres oeuvres par Madison Cawein...
