Short of meaning Void of sense.
I Think we should keep the answer as simple as the question. “The question, then: Is Schrödinger’s Cat meant to be taken at all physically?” No, that experiment, if practiced as describ...
Recurrent idea, pan-sexuality, That nightlong stole her male That nightlong stole his female That nightlong stole our above all… And we, persisting in a cold slumb…
2017-08-17 Under the neon light a hors d’oeuv… Two lamps ahead the gorgeous femal… Brings up the predator to my shado… Willing to pick them both in a bow…
As the memory is the faculty of fo… But not all in all, the last remai… I say it is subjectively occurring When your doubts about yourself ar… As certitude has sadly ended
Near the end of others are us In our saddle of distance or proxi… Near the vain end of animals we co… And continue to another rationaliz… Confrontation!
Tea is warmness made by folks to p… But no leafs stand in my hot water Only the transparency of invisible… Stares back at me receiving no rep… No tea has been kept in the worn k…
While my body asks for Temperance I persist Arsonist that I may be Never my flames will consume thee O my fever, intemperance
Why choose a letter that dresses l… While waiting for the Galia chron… While quitting before feeling the… After a daylong walk, a strategic… This mad thing that lingers and cr…
The line of death humans has augme… We dying and dying since we were b… A long long tree, an extensive lin… Now we can live more proximally Since the advent of all pixels, di…
Hollywood is it a place of collect… I say it is our time machine, And without it we would fall in a… Civilization stumbling before the… And we all will perish, by storm o…
I hate your hate, it is neither fa… By its your compassion that makes… False as true a black widow’s bite False as the frog’s tongue deceivi… I hate you am I’m gonna splask yo…
How you suck dry my will to live How you bring bottled despair For a project into your delusion, Because meddling with another’s ri… You can, getting a fake tourism ti…
I see a train arriving at the stat… A train coming from a far away nat… Someone said that I should be wri… Looking, mirroring trains, how int… Experience needs some evidence,
My Old Flame, It would never remember its name, Cold days of no light in sight Surrounded and pictured as Lesoth… In this cold day I still stand un…
Short and direct as dangerous sect… Founder of a religion like dear S… It Was a reality, not an urban my… Not principles, that I actually a… Nor lack of Cassandra’s touch, se…