Rage born of solitude, outcast.
Who likes a phone call during oral… Who stands in silence knowing it i… Has any rage or hate in so born pr… Poisoned the soul, destroyed the b… Still I will not be an ordinary n…
I Think we should keep the answer as simple as the question. “The question, then: Is Schrödinger’s Cat meant to be taken at all physically?” No, that experiment, if practiced as describ...
Suck me long, suck me deep, intele… Why don’t I know if I am not dupl… Wit lost after the fear, erasing i… By you great mother fuckers, throw… By you great pdagogues of adults
Recurrent idea, pan-sexuality, That nightlong stole her male That nightlong stole his female That nightlong stole our above all… And we, persisting in a cold slumb…
Um tiro no escuro A shot in the dark Next time I’ll shoot you in the m… Said the man, empty handed, But not out of resources,
Words are just painted impressions And the world has taught us how They go astray and turn, or still. We stand upon this tainted hill Of diverted intent and call it his…
Beyond some pain and distress Lies a world of unending sorrow So profound, so inlaid, it comes with music. One never gets acoustomed
While my body asks for Temperance I persist Arsonist that I may be Never my flames will consume thee O my fever, intemperance
Looking at her running from the co… Admiring the crying raging between… Remains her silhouette memory Languidly lying in the porch’s net Piled on top of other sorrows and…
Two roads in a Yellow wood, I have never decided, as I should Many roads as a man drive by Nothing palpable staying behind. Too many nights with a rat in my s…
I hate your hate, it is neither fa… By its your compassion that makes… False as true a black widow’s bite False as the frog’s tongue deceivi… I hate you am I’m gonna splask yo…
Why choose a letter that dresses l… While waiting for the Galia chron… While quitting before feeling the… After a daylong walk, a strategic… This mad thing that lingers and cr…
Oh you, who are more And you say that I talk too much, I am amoral and I speak of solitu… From the result, Nacl +, life the… Base of nothing and everything els…
The slytherin or the pussy, the re… Giving knowledge and fire to their… Praising for the death of a dubiou… Setting the stage for the real con… Not original, that’s an argument o…
I had decided not to live with her, although I loved the girl Such nostalgia, alcoholism, even if the chest tightens past 17 years We danced until the temperana afternoon became wet daw...