Props to my Dad on this one. Drink water everybody!
I cannot divide My heart Into four pieces Equally Geometrically
I’ve known Deep inside All along My value That I matter
He says I could never Get away with murder For I leave Pieces of me everywhere
Tomorrow Has not yet come It’s promises yet to be broken Tomorrow Is bigger
The more you treat me like a nag The more I become one I’m sorry if I micromanage Your clean clothes Your hot meals
I crave stability Neither wandering spirit Nor home-body Yes I’d love to travel But the foundation
Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
Desperate for his attention Knowing it will drive him away Jealous of a game - how lame Choking self-esteem where I lay Desperate for his affection
Restless As I lay in bed Trying to fall asleep These are my clues I might be low
I am stronger Than you think I am I am weaker Than I look
When we are young we strive to be cool with our clothes and the way we move and our friends with swag as adults though our friends be co…
I feel like crap Most days I have a lot going my way I am loved I can smile
Is there anyone worse than a denti… A dental surgeon I think as I sit alone Battling my nerves As I listen to the patient next d…
Didn’t they know that people cared? That they were loved? Why didn’t someone tell them?
The teenage rebels All fall in line Be they hippies Goths, rockers or skaters Moving from one mould