How can I write how I feel When what I feel is nothing? How can I tell you what I need, What is wrong? When what is wrong
Don’t talk down to me I am not a child! Even children Deserve respect
I will be Forever in debt To my mother Any gift Would come up short
Restless As I lay in bed Trying to fall asleep These are my clues I might be low
I wallow in my sadness As it pools up It has not swallowed me Who floats above its surface This surface
I feel like crap Most days I have a lot going my way I am loved I can smile
My sister’s cookies Chocolate chip Got my nephew to Say her name For the first time
She is no longer Part of my life I’ve moved on My life is full With friends
Nothing makes people flee Like reading them poetry They value it in theory But please don’t make them read Surprise me with your verse
If I could draw a tree In all it’s complexity Would you be impressed? If I could draw a human face It would be but a trace
To be genius means To not follow the rules You don’t have to I wish to be smart But not self-important
A healthy pancreas Is like a transmission Seamlessly shifting gears In type 2 diabetics Wear and tear
My parents always say We’re proud of you I am too I got out of bed I used to get so much done
Steamroller Of life Passed by Feeling down Squished
Escogí las palabras Más adecuadas Por lo que yo Quería decir Abrí la boca