Steamroller Of life Passed by Feeling down Squished
I enjoy his company Riding shotgun Conversation No one to overhear Our inside jokes
I love to hear poetry read Rather than performed I love to hear each word Appreciated Rather than memorized
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
Don’t talk down to me I am not a child! Even children Deserve respect
Desperate for his attention Knowing it will drive him away Jealous of a game - how lame Choking self-esteem where I lay Desperate for his affection
Springtime means Berry pickin’ In warm sun Therapeutic Part of me
If I could paint a man Eyes so dark they shine Brooding and stormy Til the smile breaks through If I could paint a man
Why can’t I choose to be somewhere in the middle? Surrounded by extremes Measure everything With a grain of salt
Left on a leash Is no way to live He disappeared I like to imagine He’s running in a field
I feel like crap Most days I have a lot going my way I am loved I can smile
My heart breaks A little each day For problems I can’t solve For things I can’t change All I can do is pray
The whole world Aches and groans Do you feel her pain? The human in me Wants to heal mankind
Pretty and dainty Rich girl feet Meant to be Beside the pool They don’t like to work
If you find someone That can do it Better than you Get them on your team