Why can’t I choose to be somewhere in the middle? Surrounded by extremes Measure everything With a grain of salt
It’s not pretty When I cry People get almost as embarrassed as I
May sun is warm An old friend You have missed June sun Still smiles
Nothing makes people flee Like reading them poetry They value it in theory But please don’t make them read Surprise me with your verse
This world is covered in bias It’s all over you It’s all over me too This world is covered in bias It shades our words
I cannot divide My heart Into four pieces Equally Geometrically
I will be Forever in debt To my mother Any gift Would come up short
No es solo la tristeza Aunque si lo estoy No es por el desanimo Aunque si me desanimo No es tan sencillo
My soft spot My sweet boy I’d do anything for Who convinced me Little boys are the best
The more you treat me like a nag The more I become one I’m sorry if I micromanage Your clean clothes Your hot meals
Some I like to share Fresh out of the oven Don’t let it get cold That’s why I wrote it Emotions in that moment
When I think of my mom I think of malt o meal muffins When I think of my dad Memories of a child Chasing us around the circle
I wallow in my sadness As it pools up It has not swallowed me Who floats above its surface This surface
Inspirational quotes Are full of crap Whatever meaning Is lost In the sea
I am unique In so many ways But while variety excites What we look for Is our common thread