I have psoriasis, a genetic skin condition caused by an accelerated over-active immune system. The skin cells regenerate too fast and they pile up.
Most women are cooks But a man who cooks Is a chef She cooks over and over To feed the masses
A fresh faced country girl Who pioneers on her bicycle Catches the eye Of a transplant from Houston Love begins through letters
Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
Itchy It has to come off Nerves Makes me pick His look
A healthy pancreas Is like a transmission Seamlessly shifting gears In type 2 diabetics Wear and tear
Dime ¿Qué es su lengua materna? Ni inglés Ni español Sus padres no hablan inglés
Are you ever tired Of just being you? Did you ever Want to be Someone new?
Strong hands Hold me down To the bed I say to them I have to go
No hay nada más sincero Que un regalo Inesperado Una carta Un chocolate
If I could draw a tree In all it’s complexity Would you be impressed? If I could draw a human face It would be but a trace
The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
Why can’t I choose to be somewhere in the middle? Surrounded by extremes Measure everything With a grain of salt
To love reading Writing and words And not be able to Communicate Frustrated
I struggle to Keep it together Maxims and mottoes On repeat In my mind
Que te cuentan un chiste Las palabras se traducen Pero el humor no se puede Por si no lo entiendes Ríete