Why do we love sunsets? Distinguishing fascination What other species Must stop and stare A romantic couple
A fresh faced country girl Who pioneers on her bicycle Catches the eye Of a transplant from Houston Love begins through letters
The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
My soft spot My sweet boy I’d do anything for Who convinced me Little boys are the best
I would never choose To eat a granola bar Or peanut butter crackers Though I eat them All of the time
Inspirational quotes Are full of crap Whatever meaning Is lost In the sea
Strong hands Hold me down To the bed I say to them I have to go
If I could paint a man Eyes so dark they shine Brooding and stormy Til the smile breaks through If I could paint a man
I am unique In so many ways But while variety excites What we look for Is our common thread
I crave stability Neither wandering spirit Nor home-body Yes I’d love to travel But the foundation
Don’t talk down to me I am not a child! Even children Deserve respect
Would I rather be A younger me? More productive Stronger Would i have to give up
I struggle to Keep it together Maxims and mottoes On repeat In my mind
I need to tell you How to survive With our disposition It’s okay to cry Maybe
Uh-Oh! Cranky mood Throws a fit Over cereal Cheerios