To love reading Writing and words And not be able to Communicate Frustrated
Your enthusiasm exhausts me This coke is flat The bubbles disperse Leaving a sticky and sweet Aftertaste
I need to tell you How to survive With our disposition It’s okay to cry Maybe
The passive-aggressive Guilt trip Is a weak tool For your purpose The sensitive
She is no longer Part of my life I’ve moved on My life is full With friends
The whole world Aches and groans Do you feel her pain? The human in me Wants to heal mankind
Good secret Bubbles inside Let me out Bad secret Indigestion
When we are young we strive to be cool with our clothes and the way we move and our friends with swag as adults though our friends be co…
I can feel it coming Decisions I can’t make Brain starts to freeze Fingers won’t work Sick of this disease
Look in the mirror What is it you see? Hazel eyes above your Favorite black dress Looks clean and fresh
Filler words Put me to sleep Added to cushion Take away my pillow Blunt words to wake up
No pido disculpas Por escribir Lo que siento Lo que llevo adentro Lo que vivo
I spend all my time Fighting with you In my head If we fought At least it would be
Down to earth I am but of dust Dust particles I see floating in the air Carbon molecules
Beautiful legs The right shape and curve Olive color without the green That tans and doesn’t burn Until you see