

I wrote this for a school project. This was inspired by Lying in Grass, How Heavy the Days Are, and Lonesome Night; all by Hermann Hesse. Yes, I realise the point gets way too obvious near the end. I was in a rush.

Battered, Beaten, Bruised
Broken, Triumphed, Used
We fight
Day through day
Night through night
To try to get them to see it our way
We will never give up
They beat us down and trick us
We’re in denial for a while
Until we realise the truth
We will never back down
We will seek our freedom
And work to feed this everlasting hunger
As the stars long for the moon,
We long for freedom
But will we find that place of perfect ataraxia?
Will we prosper? Will we succeed?
Will it be worth it in the end?
Or will we fail?
Will we fall to our knees in surrender?
There is no hope.
No way to get away from Their ever-controlling grasp
We are forever lost in this barren land of hopelessness
A beautiful dream
A starving people
All wrecked
Broken and used
At Their hands

