
I welcome you to my place where you'll find my inter most feelings expressed through my poetry.

I welcome you to my place where you'll find my inter most feelings expressed through my poetry.

And through my writings I invite you to enjoy and discover a little more about my life.

I started writing when I was in my early teens, without having previous knowledge of life's challenges. I found out very early that if one really wants to progress, you will discover answers for yourself.

To me my style of writing is unique, mainly because it comes from deep within my heart. I consider my words a mixture of emotions and thoughts of my spirit and life, written in the form of poetry.

Through this web site I hope to share with you a little of the pleasures I enjoy so much. And through my poetry I hope to capture a bit of your interest.

When I write I try to portrait my inspirations and my feelings and through my poetry I find answers. If I'm really lucky my poetry finds it's way to paper. For this reason I invite you to share with me a walk through my words.
