This is the short story of when I… Nothing quite elegant, nothing qui… I have to say that I hated those… Later on, I missed your way of be… For that, I missed your stupid fa…
I can’t give up just know. I can’t. This time I will rise, this time I can’t back down. This heart have been on hold,
What else is out there if everyone… This time of mistery, the uncertai… Dear is the past now, that shows u… This momentum right here. They say, you say, I say and all…
We draw the way our way. With open eyes and open heart. In the deepest darkest moments, we… This world upon us, the race, the… In the verses that comerse the bes…
I stand at the other side, the wip… Let me grab the time, give back my sanity. You do not deserve my anything. Stand aside I’m coming through,
This world is filled with nothing… An idea we all are, learning our o… Accept and embrace who you are, wh… The road is located in the illusio… Mark your steps with your light.
I’m broken, crushed. Spread on the ground. The pieces; each one of them has a… Too many, I don’t know anymore. Between the particles I can see l…
Dime tú, cómo vas por la vida. Por mi parte, ya tengo esta risa t… Que no ves que arden, tus palabras… Aún así, mi amor por ti fue sincer… No sé que piensas,
En el susurro de la noche mas obsc… ahí encuentro, te siento. Si te veo lejos o te veo incierto, ya, no importa.
We stand, we go, we come back... nothing matters. We meet up, with you, with them, w… If you don’t know how to be alone.… We can have it all, conquering the…
Doesn’t matter what you feel anymo… Because you left even by my side. Your not sorry, so save the teardr… It doesn’t matter, not no more. Even though I still remember how…
Soñé que me iba. A las horas tristes, con un boleto… También lo vi viviéndome. Riesgos de carcajadas y alevosía. Que bonito, que perfecta armonía,…
This is the time. To be sure and grateful. This is the best one. Your peace and love is waiting. Never stop believing,
Quiero que me ames en cuerpo y alm… Quiero abrazarte aún cuando estés… Quiero decirte al oído que te amo… Quiero y quiero que paso a paso, n… Quiero saber cómo estás y cuando n…
Y de repente me doy cuenta que qui… Riendo de los mismos chistes, acariciándote el rostro. Cuanto te ama este corazón, que no imagina la vida sin tu perf…