Si tan sólo pudieras verte desde e… Tú, mi pilar, mi pronto auxilio an… Si tan solo te vieras desde esta n… Desde mis primeros pasos, hasta la… Intento no entrar en melodrama, aú…
Please tell her, don’t be sorry. The truth shall set her free. Tell her she is the glory, of the fighting within.
All I ask to the heavens is to fr… This corrupted life, this profound… I hate myself for this human body,… This person around me that seem to… nothing... nada.
This is the beginning of the great… It’s time to say goodbye to what d… Don’t worry you’ll be ok, I was you too... Say it to the world how loved you…
Time is dead now the clock has broken since you are… With your arms, you bring the calm of a future with a complete b… Perfection in an imperfection stat…
I stand at the other side, the wip… Let me grab the time, give back my sanity. You do not deserve my anything. Stand aside I’m coming through,
Y de repente me doy cuenta que qui… Riendo de los mismos chistes, acariciándote el rostro. Cuanto te ama este corazón, que no imagina la vida sin tu perf…
This is the time Rise oh rise! You can achieve that dream that’s… Don’t close your eyes, for you wil… Not gonna loose, not this time.
Oh! How I miss you missing me. Maybe just because it’s not meant… my darling you. What to do with this heart, that f… everywhere, that is ours, always h…
Life is up and down still, I have open a treasure ches… I look all that is done it had take me like forever to kee… This is the chase
This is all. The perfect way is you. Sunrise is your smile. Dear is your heart. Look upon the sky.
You look so peaceful, so clear, so… When your smile crosses my sight,… Beat my heart with that calming lo…
Me paso pensando en el pedazo de c… Tu mi sinceridad, la calma, la vid… Tu la fragilidad que dibuja tu son… Bebe mis adentros, enciende mi cue… intercala mis sueños.
Me caso. Sí, me caso. Me entrego por completo, aún aquellas complejidades que abo… Doy un paso.
A veces cuesta mucho entender aque… No importa que. Nos cuesta, porque sentimos. Porque amamos. Hasta porqué no amamos.