With all my heart I will follow y… under every stage of life, in ever… aspect of reality. If you want me to, I’ll be your s… that erotic moment when our minds
Create a space for our love. Where heaven holds the angels, where there is no pain. Create it for us... to be free. Create some wings so we can travel…
Soñé que me iba. A las horas tristes, con un boleto… También lo vi viviéndome. Riesgos de carcajadas y alevosía. Que bonito, que perfecta armonía,…
Quiero que me ames en cuerpo y alm… Quiero abrazarte aún cuando estés… Quiero decirte al oído que te amo… Quiero y quiero que paso a paso, n… Quiero saber cómo estás y cuando n…
Me conoces más que nadie y te he f… No sé cómo hacer para allegarme a… No importa el tiempo que nos hemos… Soy humana, ya lo sé. Lo que digan, lo olvide.
Art does not mean perfection. Is an expression of truth. The soul speaks, the heart screaming, for the justice it needs.
Before you, my trust was full. I rejoiced in simplicity, I was. Before, I had a song tuning in my… I had a blessing, I had a sunrise… Because you showed me your ugly,
What a time this This is an epic episode of failure… Where’s my love? Where’s my lovely? I walk around in awe,
He came at me in a shame disguise, foolish, plain. I opened the door of the beat, he,
No, it’s not you it’s me. Me, the one that can hold on to th… Me, the one that loves you to the… No, it’s not you at all. It’s me.
Oh look at you my sweetheart How gorgeous, how bold. Take a good look and see, how much… Don’t settle for less, don’t worry about what’s gone.
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.
I saw an invasion, not quite sure what it’s the purpo… Life’s dropping manners, life giving up. Sunrise is bizarre, how this got t…
What a beautiful light you have. Like a chill day under the sun. Refreshing is the view of those sa… Bright idea of what might be. That little boy is extremely extre…
At the end who will be there, In a corner, Waiting so perfectly patient, With eyes filled with hopes. Who’s the one that will care as mu…