Si tu fueras yo; ¿Cómo sería? ¿Acaso me mirarías con el mismo an… Si tu fueras yo, dime tú; ¿Me aca… Dime; ¿Si fueras yo y yo tú, como… Tal vez en las tonterías de lo cot…
Now that you are not here Now that your love is gone Let me send you trough the winds a thousands wispers of love. You stayed here in my soul
Now that I have to say goodbye I realize my castle is falling apa… I always believe in fairytales But I guess my story had an other… Pieces of me falling all over the…
If tomorrow is uncertain then let’s glow in the dark of thi… You my dear, the arms that surroun… Let us be love, and let us be real… You and I the colors of the prism
This world is in depression everybody looking for a way out Much don’t smile no more, cause th… no star to shine We can resolve this mess
You have me under your spell. You and only you have that sparkle that makes me melt. Don’t ask me why, just kiss me. Simple are your ways, Simple as
In the corners of my mind there is you there, staring at me for no reason I look at you and I can’t even re…
Nobody knows what’s going on insid… just me. Some people think I might be a fa… It’s easy to say “forget” the hard… So many questions running through…
Only you is all you need. You are yours, only you can know better. There’s nobody that can love you like you, only you can face the world with the strength and fierce courage. Only you ...
Who knows my heart? Just me, just you. Fear not my love, for this feeling… my gift to you. The treasure that… in the search for.
Yes, there you are Staring at me like but somelike a… But yes, in the corner of that spa… you are I can smell you like walking into…
If you ask for reasons to love you… will go blank. ¿Why? Because there are no reasons clear… that can tell you why.
If my day is blue and the heart ac… Will you stay? Even if everything seems to fall a… Will you stay? At times I will be grumpy, intole…
Hoy tu vida cambiará, en un abrir… Hoy es el día perfecto para que to… Hoy se hizo para crear, de lo impo… Hoy se hizo para comenzar un camin… Así como lo has soñado, así como l…
A day like today my hero came to t… A day like today my first love, th… A day like today the heavens are r… A day like today I send love and… A day like today the best man I k…