Kanna K. Siripurapu

Passion and Purpose

Bothered by the brightness,
Bored with the singing angels,
My bewildered soul went to Lord, and asked,
May I go and visit your other creations too?
Lord pondered, and took minutes two,
He replied “Yes you can do”!
He took my soul into his gentle hands and split it into two,
Befuddled I asked him “what did you do?”
Lord replied “not just passion but there should be a purpose too.”
To explore my creation, is your passion, that is one,
And finding the other half of your soul is your purpose, that is two!
I looked at his charming face, fazed and dazed,
I asked him, “how would I do?”
Smiled and said the lord, I hid it on earth that is planet three after one and two,
He then asked, “now you go, and find not just the other half of your soul but meet others too”!
He said, oh my dear!
I hid the other half of your soul,
In a place among places,
In a colour among colours,
In a voice among voices,
In an image among images, and
In a face among faces,
Now you go and find the other half of your soul,
I’m sure you in your quest of the place where I hid the other half of your soul, you will see other places too,
In your quest of the colour in which I hid the other half of your soul, you will see other colours too,
In your quest of the voice in which I hid the other half of your soul, you will hear other voices too,
In your quest of the face in which I hid the other half of your soul, you will meet other faces too,
Said the Lord, not just your passion but your purpose will be served too!
So my dear All this is how I met you too!!


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