Julia W

Remember me

I sat on the edge of the earth,
its soul caressing my shadow
Fighting for air to stay inside my lungs.
And I whispered to the ocean,
That I hope you will Remember me
with moonlight on my hands
And flowers
Inside my voice.
I sang to the earth slowly,
I sang of the way my skin would feel
When your eyes were resting upon it
As if I were burning inside a blanket of sunlight
I hope you will remember me
With stars inside my veins,
And wildflowers in my bones.
As I lay beneath the newborn sun, I feel the earth shifting beneath my spine,
I hope you will remember me
With lightning dancing inside my soul,
And lilacs tattooed across my lips.
I will fall slowly to sleep tonight, with a world filled with moonlit dandelions, spinning inside my chest
I hope you will remember me;
I hope you will remember me.
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