Julia W

Here are my bones

I sit before the ocean, the sun sits in me like a kite ripping at my core, the wind in my bones had told you,
to stop pulling.
Memories of your mouth press into my throat like I swallowed an entire house of bees, your name comes spilling out of my mouth like lava
I, am a field of wildflowers.
Theres a shipwreck beneath my ribcage
I am still trying, to remember how to swim.
Here are my veins that hold only the silver you left in me
Here is the home you built
That I can no longer live in–
I will hold you even as my hands tremble beneath your weight,
I will hold you even as you are nothing left to hold.
I will hold you always,
even after the world has taken away my hands, I will hold you in my chest,
where they can never find you.
I sit before the sun
Her hands stroking my spine
Here are my bones
That hold only bullets of the color orange you left in them,
Here are my bones that I have broken
so that you can still fit right inside my body.
The ocean sits in me like I had swallowed your constellations,
The waves are breaking down my bones as the sky turns heavy in the back of my throat, as I whisper to the shadows crossing the moonlight against my spine;
I have found you.
I have found you.

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