It was a clean break of the neck, the weight of his absence sitting on her shoulders. My momma she promised to love you, even if it meant keeping your side of the bed warm while you wer...
When you look at a human being, you do not see their mind or their soul. You see their body, their shell. No one knows of the place this human lives, this person, that you’re standing r...
They asked me to become something louder, something less childlike, something more of what isn’t, between the cracks of what is. I told them I had fire between my teeth, I warned them, ...
You held me in your arms in the middle of November. We were drenched in moonlight and choking on ecstasy, from the rapture of each others smiles. As the warmth of your fingertips tickle...
November wraps her hands around my lungs like a parachute, unwilling to open. The sound of your fingertips against my skin– so close to me, but I can not touch them. The color of your...
There’s stars In my chest and they burn with such ecstasy, a poem that smells like autumn, a feeling I just can’t fathom. I want so badly to wrap my fingers around your ribcage, and pul...
These walls feel so heavy around m… The wind wrapped her hands around… Goodbye has leaked from my tongue… My mouth, is a hurricane, I am trying to keep calm.
It’s the year that you shed your childhood skin, it’s the day you wake up and realize you’re no longer sleeping in your own bed, It’s the feeling you get in the base of your ribcage,...
I saw you for the first time in 19 months, your hands still felt like lightning bolts, but your mouth no longer had the word stay written across it. I saw you for the first time in 19 m...
To be a writer means to trade in the person you are, to become the person you wish to be. To be a writer, means to leave behind the shell you live in, and replace your skin with sunligh...
They told me not to talk so much, not to dream so much, to take the ocean that moves inside my ribs, and to swallow it. To swallow it whole. They told me I could never make it. They t...
I’m laying beneath layers of blankets that are wrapped in the smell of autumn, we are falling into each other like rain curling into the pavement. My eyes are dazed from walking amongst...
There was something heavy about th… Or maybe it was the way it didn’t… I wear October on my forearms lik… That I can not take off until it… I have finished the words that tri…
You found me when I was sick at heart, a small wilted flower growing in the middle of winter. You found me when I had my hands painted blue, held behind my neck while I studied the face...
Sometimes I feel like despite the sky sleeping in my mouth, I’ve not yet swallowed enough language to be loud enough, to make you listen. Sometimes I hear the ocean crying beneath my ...