It was a clean break of the neck, the weight of his absence sitting on her shoulders. My momma she promised to love you, even if it meant keeping your side of the bed warm while you wer...
I hope one day you can understand me again. The way we used to be. Your Forest fire breath leaving me burning under your comforter of language; feeling anything but comfort. I hope one ...
My soul is painted sapphire, as I run through the fields of sun… your shadow running beside me. My soul is painted sapphire, maybe because,
Voiceless sky The stars in the night Danced over my fragile bones Freeing my demons. Nostalgia
It’s the year that you shed your childhood skin, it’s the day you wake up and realize you’re no longer sleeping in your own bed, It’s the feeling you get in the base of your ribcage,...
Be crumbled, they said. It’s okay to admit you don’t have always copper hands, [my father had copper hands and I guess mine were trying to match] These people they’ll look for you, ...
He told me, through the wind in hi… I let the chill of winter that wra… They never told me it would feel t… I handed my soul to a crowd of peo… I was told by a boy with golden ha…
I can hear everything gone– Your footprints stamped into my mo… I’ve held this month in the pit of… I am sorry, I am not silver. I am sorry, this is not what you w…
I woke in the middle of the night, November was sitting on my chest, it’s heaviness pounding against my ribcage, suffocating my every breath. I rolled onto my back and looked up at my p...
4 days deep in January’s throat and I already feel my veins holding brick walls, My breath has become even shallower than the last time I remember the days when my bones still held o...
We smiled at each other one afternoon in September. From the moment our eyes met I had learned of every piece of your soul, but yet mine still thirsted to know more. As time pushed on y...
Letting you go has been like ownin… and having the moons fingertips di… Watching you go has been a fire in… An ocean tattooed to the palms of… that had to be drained empty.
Blue skin tapered to the backs of hands lined with raw emotion, The winds fingers wrapped around throats, selfish, craving more air than it could hold. I heard the wildflowers beneath...
Most people are born homesick. They leave the home their mothers… Most of us are born homesick. But then we hear our parents carve… We hear their voices fuse together…
There’s stars In my chest and they burn with such ecstasy, a poem that smells like autumn, a feeling I just can’t fathom. I want so badly to wrap my fingers around your ribcage, and pul...