Julia W

Mother ocean

To the ocean: for making my soul as strong as her waves.

I have written about you for so long, and now finally my eyes lay before you, mother ocean. All of my poems seem to gather your energy, they roar with your voice and shine from your sun. Your brothers birds fly above you, their wings like a skyline across your waves, into his blue eyes, brother sky. And now I’m dreaming, dreaming of sitting atop of the sky’s stars, and swallowing all their starlight. Then I could walk, I could walk across the sand with the moon on my back, and crystals growing inside my chest. The moon is holding hands with the sun, and we are running like shadows. Tonight I will carve the stars names into my feet, one by one, and whenever I walk you will see me, wherever you may be. Maybe we are sitting on the same star whence we came, or maybe you are the moon; how I always loved the moon...

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