Joseph Ambrosino

My Child’s Child

My child’s, child of mine.
What have I done to disturb you?
Shall I agree?
To disagree
Is such a shame
What greater gift is kindness
when it is thrown away.
My child
How much you have affected
My very soul.
Intertwined much? we are.
But separated by any more
than a thought?
Will do.
The memory decays.
And so do you.
Old withered soul.
Your soft mendable eyes
We share those.
But what different lives have we lived?
My aching dove,
Is that why it pains?
Was your love shackled,
just as I am now,
back in that closet?
In a matter of words
(Too simplistic for poems)
I still love you, my son
But it is a fading supply.
Here are those wings
Reserved for the dead.
Grieve what we need to grieve
Remove your shadow!
And find me with tears in my eyes
Remembering the fear

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