THE shepherds and the nymphs were… Pleading before the Cyprian Queen… The counsel for the fair began Accusing the false creature, man. The brief with weighty crimes was…
Begotten, and born, and dying with… The terror of women, and pleasure… Like the fiction of poets concerni… I’m chiefly unruly when strongest… For silver and gold I don’t troub…
LEST it may more quarrels breed, I will never hear you read. By disputing, I will never, To convince you once endeavour. III
Ah! Strephon, how can you despise Her, who without thy pity dies! To Strephon I have still been tru… And of as noble blood as you; Fair issue of the genial bed,
With a whirl of thought oppress’d, I sunk from reverie to rest. A horrid vision seized my head, I saw the graves give up their dea… Jove, arm’d with terrors, bursts t…
Careful Observers may fortel the… (By sure Prognosticks) when to dr… While Rain depends, the pensive C… Her Frolicks, and pursues her Tai… Returning Home at Night, you’ll f…
Her dead lady’s joy and comfort, Who departed this life The last day of March, 1727: To the great joy of Bryan That his antagonist is gone.
Of all inhabitants on earth, To man alone I owe my birth, And yet the cow, the sheep, the be… Are all my parents more than he: I, a virtue, strange and rare,
Never sleeping, still awake, Pleasing most when most I speak; The delight of old and young, Though I speak without a tongue. Nought but one thing can confound…
Returning Janus now prepares, For Bec, a new supply of cares, Sent in a bag to Dr. Swift, Who thus displays the new-year’s g… First, this large parcel brings yo…
Sure never did man see A wretch like poor Nancy, So teazed day and night By a Dean and a Knight. To punish my sins,
APPLES Come buy my fine wares, Plums, apples and pears. A hundred a penny, In conscience too many:
Shepherd. Echo, I ween, will i… And quaintly answer questions. Sh… Echo. Tr… Shepherd. What must we do our… Echo. Pr…
The joy of man, the pride of brute… Domestic subject for disputes, Of plenty thou the emblem fair, Adorn’d by nymphs with all their c… I saw thee raised to high renown,
Deprived of root, and branch and r… Yet flowers I bear of every kind: And such is my prolific power, They bloom in less than half an ho… Yet standers-by may plainly see