Come hither, and behold the fruits… Vain man! of all thy vain pursuits… Take wise advice, and look behind, Bring all past actions to thy mind… Here you may see, as in a glass,
APPLES Come buy my fine wares, Plums, apples and pears. A hundred a penny, In conscience too many:
To the Priest, on Observing how m… When beasts could speak (the learn… They still can do so ev’ry day), It seems, they had religion then, As much as now we find in men.
From a town that consists of a chu… With three or four houses, and as… There went an Address in great fo… Composed, as ’tis said, by Will C… And thus it began to an excellent…
Tormented with incessant pains, Can I devise poetic strains? Time was, when I could yearly pay My verse to Stella’s native day: But now unable grown to write,
Resolved my gratitude to show, Thrice reverend Dean, for all I o… Too long I have my thanks delay’d… Your favours left too long unpaid; But now, in all our sex’s name,
Observe the dying father speak: Try, lads, can you this bundle bre… Then bids the youngest of the six Take up a well-bound heap of stick… They thought it was an old man’s m…
Ah! Strephon, how can you despise Her, who without thy pity dies! To Strephon I have still been tru… And of as noble blood as you; Fair issue of the genial bed,
I will not build on yonder mount; And, should you call me to account… Consulting with myself, I find It was no levity of mind. Whate’er I promised or intended,
Midas, we are in story told, Turn’d every thing he touch’d to g… He chipp’d his bread; the pieces r… Glitter’d like spangles on the gro… A codling, ere it went his lip in,
Robin to beggars with a curse, Throws the last shilling in his pu… And when the coachman comes for pa… The rogue must call another day. Grave Harry, when the poor are pr…
“His Grace! impossible! what, dea… Of old age too, and in his bed! And could that mighty warrior fall… And so inglorious, after all? Well, since he’s gone, no matter h…
Don Carlos, in a merry spight, Did Stella to his house invite: He entertain’d her half a year With generous wines and costly che… Don Carlos made her chief directo…
I am jet black, as you may see, The son of pitch and gloomy night: Yet all that know me will agree, I’m dead except I live in light. Sometimes in panegyric high,
The nymph who wrote this in an amo… I cannot but envy the pride of her… Which thus she will venture profus… On so mean a design, and a subject… For mean’s her design, and her sub…