A lion sunk by time’s decay, Too feeble grown to hunt his prey, Observed his fatal hour draw nigh: He drooped and laid him down to di… There came by chance a savage boar…
LET me thy properties explain: A rotten cabin dropping rain: Chimneys, with scorn rejecting smo… Stools, tables, chairs, and bedste… Here elements have lost their uses…
When Naboth’s vineyard look’d so… The king cried out, ‘Would this w… And yet no reason could prevail To bring the owner to a sale. Jezebel saw, with haughty pride,
Ye poets ragged and forlorn, Down from your garrets haste; Ye rhymers, dead as soon as born, Not yet consign’d to paste; I know a trick to make you thrive;
Resolved my gratitude to show, Thrice reverend Dean, for all I o… Too long I have my thanks delay’d… Your favours left too long unpaid; But now, in all our sex’s name,
In youth exalted high in air, Or bathing in the waters fair, Nature to form me took delight, And clad my body all in white. My person tall, and slender waist,
As, when a lofty pile is raised, We never hear the workmen praised, Who bring the lime, or place the s… But all admire Inigo Jones: So, if this pile of scattered rhym…
Gently stir and blow the fire, Lay the mutton down to roast, Dress it quickly, I desire, In the dripping put a toast, That I hunger may remove—
The Farmer’s Goose, who in the S… Has fed without Restraint, or Tro… Grown fat with Corn and Sitting s… Can scarce get o’er the Barn-Door… And hardly waddles forth, to cool
Ye Commons and Peers, Pray lend me your ears, I’ll sing you a song, (if I can,) How Lewis le Grand Was put to a stand,
Midas, we are in story told, Turn’d every thing he touch’d to g… He chipp’d his bread; the pieces r… Glitter’d like spangles on the gro… A codling, ere it went his lip in,
We are little brethren twain, Arbiters of loss and gain, Many to our counters run, Some are made, and some undone: But men find it to their cost,
A WONDERFUL age Is now on the stage: I’ll sing you a song, if I can, How modern Whigs, Dance forty-one jigs,
To their Excellencies the Lords… The humble petition of Frances Ha… Who must starve and die a maid if… Humble sheweth, that I went to wa… was cold;
Returning Janus now prepares, For Bec, a new supply of cares, Sent in a bag to Dr. Swift, Who thus displays the new-year’s g… First, this large parcel brings yo…