LET me thy properties explain: A rotten cabin dropping rain: Chimneys, with scorn rejecting smo… Stools, tables, chairs, and bedste… Here elements have lost their uses…
Let me thy Properties explain, A rotten Cabin, dropping Rain; Chimnies with Scorn rejecting Smo… Stools, Tables, Chairs, and Bed-… Here Elements have lost their Vse…
A lion sunk by time’s decay, Too feeble grown to hunt his prey, Observed his fatal hour draw nigh: He drooped and laid him down to di… There came by chance a savage boar…
By an old––––pursued, A crazy prelate, and a royal prude… By dull divines, who look with env… On ev’ry genius that attempts to r… And pausing o’er a pipe, with doub…
The rod was but a harmless wand, While Moses held it in his hand; But, soon as e’er he laid it down, Twas a devouring serpent grown. Our great magician, Hamet Sid,
From distant regions Fortune send… An odd triumvirate of friends; Where Phoebus pays a scanty stipe… Where never yet a codling ripen’d: Hither the frantic goddess draws
I will not build on yonder mount; And, should you call me to account… Consulting with myself, I find It was no levity of mind. Whate’er I promised or intended,
When on my bosom thy bright eyes, Florinda, dart their heavenly beam… I feel not the least love surprise… Yet endless tears flow down in str… There’s nought so beautiful in the…
This day (the year I dare not tel… Apollo play’d the midwife’s part; Into the world Corinna fell, And he endued her with his art. But Cupid with a Satyr comes;
Though I, alas! a prisoner be, My trade is prisoners to set free. No slave his lord’s commands obeys With such insinuating ways. My genius piercing, sharp, and bri…
All-ruling tyrant of the earth, To vilest slaves I owe my birth, How is the greatest monarch blest, When in my gaudy livery drest! No haughty nymph has power to run
Don Carlos, in a merry spight, Did Stella to his house invite: He entertain’d her half a year With generous wines and costly che… Don Carlos made her chief directo…
Gently stir and blow the fire, Lay the mutton down to roast, Dress it quickly, I desire, In the dripping put a toast, That I hunger may remove—
Aetatis suae fifty-two, A rich Divine began to woo A handsome young imperious girl, Nearly related to an Earl. Her parents and her friends consen…
Stella this Day is thirty four, (We shan’t dispute a Year or more… However Stella, be not troubled, Although thy Size and Years are d… Since first I saw Thee at Sixtee…