You have an ideal That I will never fulfill So I have to peel
Somehow when I write It comes out in time Words seem to flow out In a catchy rhyme Things just sorta happen
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in
I don’t see much the future I don’t remember past I only know this present A gift, that too, shall pass
I’ve never wrapped My mind around Making you feel Seen, heard, and found I didn’t know
What if we stopped fearing and started loving? Loving the unique. Loving the different. Loving them.
Embrace the darkness It’s the only way That your light can shine
Because you exist Is the best reason For you to persist
My soul taught me a thing tonight That you don’t always get your lik… And when things don’t work like th… You will adapt, and be all good
I’ll make you pucker And turn your stomach So take me with a grain of salt
Most poems perused Would probably be better Made into haikus
To tell you the truth I relish your cum It’s the best homage To a job well done
Once there was this girl named Je… Tall and blonde and oh so dreamy Milky skin with essence steamy Just one look would make you cream… Told me that we’d be a team-y
When they say “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” What I hear is “Don’t confuse justice with spite.…
Be... Fun loving Hard working Compassionate And ruthless