I’ll tear myself from limb to limb For you to suture up again It feels like the perfect win/win To play our roles, morals and sin
Sittin’ in a patio chair Breathin’ in the cool night air Listening to the breeze Rustling leaves in trees I’m being the love of life
I see a bee pollinate a flower I see a girl dance to her favorite… I see two men swing and dissolve I see a wolf thin a herd I see You, being You, just to be…
How do you reckon Your yearn for freedom With other’s feelings?
Go ahead Do your thing I’m waiting With open wings
Chose a path Not like the rest Takes a strength That can’t be matched But...
I thought that she Could be the one I thought that we Were having fun And then I spoke
Working towards Common goals
I need to get him out So he feels the treat Of an empty bladder Grass beneath his feet
Rain, rain wash away All the stains of yesterday Here I stand, made of clay Mold me into my today
I’d like to find someone That celebrates my self Except this life’s taught me You can’t trust no one else They see your loving charms
We might be just a bit fucked up And, God, I hope that’s true ‘Cause that means life is nothing… The deepest passion’s hue
I’m not the one That I should be I’m just the man You came to see Imperfect you
Just being yourself Is the absolute best way To show the world love
I am a primal beast, at best That needs to smell your sweet ess… It’s not enough when you’re outsid… I need your stank within my life