Sirens. Seductive. Altering senses. Temping
Crazy time. Scrambled minds. Puréed, minced.
Nature of things. Exponential growth. Artificial
Lore. Fertile minds of the past.
The box. Placed at birth. Configured as such.
Grip. Mind grip. Consciousness encased. Encased
Coerced. Coerced to believe. Believe what’s been
Antidote. Infection. Mind virus. Spreading
Levels. Reality. How many? How deep?
Energy fields. Matter, energy, opposite sides of
Cusp. Humanity on the cusp. Evolution.
The council. As they come online, they’ll
Creative. Sculpting. Word sculptures. Word
Clay. Clay People. Malleable. Time/location sculpts.
Call of the wild. Millions of years.