Aging. The obvious. The not so obvious.
Empyrean. Born. Budding. Cleaving from origin.
Philosophy. Levels. Manifestation of thought. Wisdom.
Mote of indulgence. Self indulgent. Importance
Invasion. Connectivity. Bits. Bytes. Qubits.
Unscrupulous. Since arriving they’ve been here. Maneuvering.
Known. What is known? How much to know?
Parallel trees. Those who never were. Generations, family
Lies. What can be believed? Lies.
Inexplicable. Being. The wonder of being. Simply
Never land. Vaporized into the never land. Creation.
Truth. Consciousness. Dance of philosophy. Dance of
Hand. Heavy hand. Pressing down.
Aggregator. Brain. Mind. Collector. Collector
Preordained. Predetermined. How much is me? Twice