Spirits. Immaterial sentience. Incarnate. Coalescing
Solace for the soul. None to be
Transformations. Nanotechnology. Biotechnology. Artificial Intelligence. Acceleration.
Empty packages. Life’s lessons arrive
Madness. Battling narratives. War of ideas,
Valhalla. Gods on high. Watching, controlling.
Alone. Choices made. Reflections of what
Never ending. Time. Space. Endless. Worlds
Toss. Deep end. No choice. All in. Head
Seed its been planted. Deep down
Techmag. Technology magnification. Reflecting back.
Divide. Technological divide. Generations split.
Bumblebee. Designed to do what bees do.
Melding. It’s begun. Psychological dependency. Addictive.
Forms. Platonic forms. A world apart.