Unhinged. Humanity has become unhinged. Nonstop
Pay grade. Every twitching form of life
Pollution. Clouds the mind. Dulls the senses.
Transformations. Nanotechnology. Biotechnology. Artificial Intelligence. Acceleration.
Blended. Segmented. Cleaved, one from the other.
Worlds apart. World inhabited. Many
Eureka. Flash of light. Spark of inspiration.
Outside the box. Inside the box. Looking
Segments. Slices. Slices of time. Worlds
Middle way. Pendulums swing. Back and forth.
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Masses. Machine. Organism. Writhing undulating
Avatar. Receptacle. Holder of essence.
Soon. Soon new ideas populate. Moving
Confined. Wrapped in a bubble. Bubble of limitations.