Masses. Machine. Organism. Writhing undulating
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Ritual. Comfort in ritual. Dark forbodding
Sparks. Firefly like. Popping in and
Ideas. Infection. People are people. Empty
Generator. Conduit. Rippled structure. All passes
Aging. The obvious. The not so obvious.
Gnomes. Life’s journey. Transformative. Each,
Transformations. Nanotechnology. Biotechnology. Artificial Intelligence. Acceleration.
Expanding. Space is expanding. Spacetime fabric
Dreamworld. Justify. Being. Just being.
Immersion. Wrapped up. Enfolded. Surrounds. Spirit
Experience. Cascading. Building. Transforming. Experiences.
Life path. Eyes open, reality presents.
Empty. Where? Is there anyone else?