Manifestation Atoms to matter. Matter to life.
Collision. Future. Whip snap change.
Gods. God is a concept. A concept
Paradise. Eternal souls, reality. Never
Little magpies. Dutifully repeat. Repeat
Beyond the veil. Beyond. Countless shimmering
Collisions. Cyberspace. Ideas, concepts colliding. Fertilizing.
Parallel trees. Those who never were. Generations, family
Awakening. It arrives. Sensing. Observing. Absorbing.
Narratives. Warring words. Controlling words.
Source. Holds all that’s seen. All that’s
Lotus. Unfolding flower. Unfolding realms.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Animal eyes. Seeing creation through
Tentacles. Circling. Squeezing. Slowly at first.